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How to Lose Weight Next Year - Your New Year's Resolution


It is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a better life. If you are overweight, you are more likely to become obese. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US obesity prevalence was 41.9% in 2017–March 2020. Losing weight will help you reduce the risk of obesity.

There are a lot of ways to lose weight: by making changes in your diet and by increasing physical activity. Are you planning to lose weight in 2024? Do you need help figuring out where to start? Don't worry! I am here to help you.

Add Protein to Your Diet

According to Healthline, protein can help you lose weight naturally, as many calories are burned while digesting protein. A protein-rich diet can also reduce your appetite by making you feel full and helping prevent the loss of muscle mass.

Consuming protein cuts your cravings and reduces your desire for late-night snacking.

Protein-rich foods include beans, seeds, nuts, eggs, yogurt, cheese, poultry, fish, and meat.

Cut Liquid Calories

Liquid calories are present in beverages like sugary soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks, and chocolate milk. You can consume hundreds of calories per day by taking these drinks.

These are also known as “empty calories” because they do not give you any nutritional benefits. Taking drinks containing liquid calories impacts your health negatively and increases the risk of obesity.

Eat Mindfully

Eating mindfully involves knowing why, when, how, where, and what they eat. It involves eating slowly and learning to recognize when you are hungry vs. when you are craving due to some emotional reasons.

Fast eaters are more likely to become obese as compared to slow eaters. The research conducted by PubMed Central states that eating quickly is associated with excess body weight. If you eat too fast, you may get unnecessary calories that are not your body's requirement. Many people benefit from mindful eating to lose weight.

Engage in Physical Activity

Physical activity is essential for physical as well as mental health. It also proves helpful in losing weight by burning calories. Exercise can increase your metabolism. If you are new to exercise, you can start doing small activities because something is better than nothing.

Try exercises you enjoy. Go for a walk, dance with your friends, engage in gardening, play outdoor games, do cycling, and practice hiking.

Do Intermittent Fasting 

Intermittent fasting is all about when to eat. There are different methods to do intermittent fasting; however, they all depend on choosing a regular time to fast and eat. 

You can try the 16:8 approach, which involves eating for eight hours and fasting for sixteen. 

Another way is the 5:2 fasting; during this practice, you can eat regularly five days a week. You take only one 500 to 600-calorie meal for the other two days.

Drink More Water

Drinking plenty of water assists you in losing weight as it reduces your food intake, especially if you drink it before meals. Water helps reduce calories by replacing drinks with high calories and sugar. 

By drinking more water, you can burn more calories. According to the research conducted by PubMed Central, absolute and relative increases in drinking water were associated with significant loss of body weight and fat over time in overweight, dieting women.

Get Enough Sleep

Besides maintaining your diet, getting enough can also be beneficial for losing weight. Poor sleep leads to weight gain and other health problems. Quality sleep not only aids you in losing weight but also prevents future weight gain.

According to the study by PMC, it was observed that people who regularly slept less than 7 hours per night were more likely to have higher body mass indexes and develop obesity than those who slept more. Hence, you should take at least 7 hours of sleep each night.

Cut Out Processed Foods

Add whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your diet instead of processed foods. Because these meals are rich in fats, sugar, calories, and sodium, are less filling, and contain fewer nutrients than whole foods. As a result, you eat more calories but still feel hungry with processed food.

Ditching processed meals indeed makes a big difference for your body. Examples of processed eatables include chips, soft drinks, chocolate, ice cream, cereals, and packaged items. Therefore, it is necessary to cut these foods from your diet if you are aiming to lose weight.

In a Nutshell

To lead a healthy life, it is vital to take care of your body weight. Weight loss is only possible if you adopt lifestyle changes for a long time. By eating consciously and exercising regularly, you will successfully lose weight.

You can add the steps mentioned above to your daily routine to fulfill your goal.


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