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The Benefits of Hot Yoga


Hot yoga has become very famous in recent times. This type of yoga is carried out in a heated environment. Hot yoga comprises various styles like Vinyasa, Moksha, or Bikram yoga. The temperature and humidity of a hot yoga room vary depending on the style you are doing. Generally, the temperature of hot yoga studios is from 80 to 108 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot yoga gives you a number of benefits, from promoting your strength and flexibility to increasing your lung capacity. Are you interested in the benefits of hot yoga? Here are the advantages you can have by practicing hot yoga:

Promotes Your Flexibility

It is safer to stretch warm muscles than cold muscles. The hot yoga rooms allow you to stretch effectively and attain a greater range of motion in your joints. The soft tissues of your body become more relaxed and elastic with heat. Hot yoga increases your core body temperature and blood flow, which promotes flexibility. According to research by the National Library of Medicine, Bikram yoga participants had improved flexibility in their shoulders, lower back, and hamstrings.

Burns Your Calories

Hot yoga can help you burn more calories if you want to lose weight. Heat increases your heart rate, which increases your calorie burn during the yoga session. Hot yoga can burn more calories compared to traditional yoga. A 160-pound individual can burn 183 calories in an hour with traditional yoga. However, according to research by Colorado State University, men and women can burn 460 and 330 calories in 90 minutes by doing Bikram yoga.

Builds Bone Density

Your bone density decreases with age, which increases the risk of broken bones and osteoporosis. Therefore, it is essential for older adults and premenopausal women to build bone density. A study in 2014 revealed that after participating in Bikram yoga for over five years, premenopausal women had improved bone density in their lower back, neck, and hips. Thus, the study made the authors believe that Bikram yoga can be an effective option to lower the risk of osteoporosis.

Improves Heart Health 

Working out in a hot environment is more challenging than traditional yoga. Your body has to work harder during a hot yoga session. Hot yoga boosts your metabolism and respiration. By increasing the heart rate, heat improves your cardiovascular health. Research by the National Library of Medicine showed that twelve hot yoga sessions promoted heat tolerance and cardiovascular fitness in the participants.

Improves Mental Health 

Depression and stress are some of the significant problems people face these days. Yoga can work as a therapy to ease depression and anxiety. Meditation and yoga improve your mood. A study by the National Library of Medicine concluded that yoga is a treatment for depression and an effective way to lessen depressive symptoms. Hot yoga also relieves stress by giving you an extra boost of relaxation. Regular yoga releases calming chemicals in your brain, which promote mindfulness and help you manage stress.

Helps You Sweat More

Another benefit of hot yoga is increased sweating. Sweat eliminates certain toxins from your body, which balance hormones and aid metabolism. Sweating from exercise also enhances your skin health. A Japanese study showed that hot yoga increases SIRT6 (Sirtuin 6) gene expression, which prevents the signs of skin ageing. It increases circulation to your skin, bringing oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to your cells and nourishing your skin from the inside out. Perspiration reduces wrinkles and helps the skin to produce more collagen.

Reduces Blood Glucose Levels

Many exercises can be helpful in burning calories and regulating blood glucose levels. But hot yoga is particularly useful for people who have or are at risk of Type 2 diabetes. Practicing yoga daily reduces the risk of complications and maintains glycemic control in diabetic patients. According to a study by the National Library of Medicine, Bikram yoga can improve glucose tolerance in obese older adults.

Increases Lung Capacity 

As yoga focuses on breathing techniques, it helps your lungs retain more air. Taking deep and regular breaths during yoga allows more oxygen to enter your blood. Increased oxygen in the blood enhances your lung capacity and keeps your lungs healthy. Pranayama is a type of yoga exercise concerned with controlling your breath in different styles and lengths. It involves thoracic, clavicular, and abdominal breathing that allows for increased oxygen intake.

In a Nutshell

Overall, hot yoga is beneficial to maintain a healthy body. It can improve your mental and physical health by managing stress and depression and keeping your blood glucose and heart healthy. You can also maintain your body weight with hot yoga. Therefore, it will be a great addition to your life. But, before starting hot yoga, try whether it suits you, as it may not be a good option for everyone.


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